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Caucuses and Member Groups

Foster professional development, education, mentorship, and exchange of ideas.

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Connection and Camaraderie

AAJ's caucuses and member groups connect you with an active group of trial lawyers like you. Get involved today and build your network with trial lawyers and legal professionals from around the country, share your insights and experience, learn from others, and grow your referral base.

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AAJ delivers exceptional education, unparalleled advocacy, and a dedicated community of trial lawyers fighting for justice.   Join Today!

Litigation Groups

Litigation Groups are critical tools for battling the overwhelming resources of corporate counsel. As a member of a Litigation Group, you have access to the accumulated information and experience of your skilled colleagues.

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Sections help you connect with leading practitioners and provide you with cutting-edge strategies, proven trial techniques, numerous networking opportunities, and the tools necessary to successfully litigate your cases and achieve justice for your clients.

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